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Stagecoach Gold for MCSL
RE: Stagecoach Gold for MCSL
If its a route thats going to have deckers then they are probably going to be new rather than refurbished I think, therefore releasing deckers that could well be sent to Gillmoss to replace the ones there (that we know are being replaced this year). Whats the PVR of the 125? And also the X2?
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Messages In This Thread
Stagecoach Gold for MCSL - PO59 MXJ - 02/04/2015, 19:03
RE: Stagecoach Gold for MCSL - E400 - 02/04/2015, 21:24
RE: Stagecoach Gold for MCSL - PO59 MXJ - 03/04/2015 00:32
RE: Stagecoach Gold for MCSL - Benzo - 03/04/2015, 11:15

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